Friday, September 4, 2009

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

My first short story acceptance has finally happened! "Just Desserts" will be published in the "Zombology VI: The Living Dead vs. The Undead" anthology by Library of the Living Dead Press.

Surprise. Delight. Acceptance! What a sweet feeling, to finally know that this is even possible, when only a month ago I wondered how long it would take. I'm taking a little time to bask in the afterglow, to enjoy the feeling, but I'm determined not to rest on my laurels. There are other stories to get out there to the world, a book to finish and sell, and maybe even a poem or two in me. Not to mention plain old life to live!

It is a bit of a Gomer Pyle mindset, really. I'm surprised and caught off guard that I finally did it; surprised by the story that achieved it; and surprised that I waited so long to try. The more I think about it, the more I like Gomer's attitude--sweet, relaxed, and happy-go-lucky, never letting setbacks get to him as he rolls with the punches. My story gets rejected? Well, gol-lee! I'll just send it to someone new. They might like it!

After 15 rejections (not much, really, in the larger scheme of things) I've learned several lessons: 1) you gotta play to win, 2) rejection isn't personal, and 3) keep trying. And I think Gomer would agree with my final thought as well...that perhaps, even when a story doesn't "make friends" with the folks I send it to, we'll just mosey along and talk to someone new, because a stranger is just a potential friend waiting to happen. And who you make friends with might just surprise you!

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