Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stepping onto the stage

Well, here's my first little step toward de-hermitizing and being more "public" in my career! One of the things I've realized is that free publicity, as a writer, is going to be a wonderful thing. And a public blog is one of those steps toward getting name recognition.

Plus it's just fun to talk at more people, you know? I tend to think that writers write because they have something to say, and want people to listen, to pay attention to them. But who knows, that may just be me. Besides, I was a counselor for years and talked with folks all the time, albeit under less fun circumstances. I have noticed that I get a rush when people read my stuff and respond to it, whether they're freaked out, angry, sad, or hopeful. It's great fun, because those are the same feelings I have when I read a good story that moves me in some way.

At any rate, the reclusive homebody that is me, is coming out to play a little more, put myself out there, so that everyone can see my writing a bit more, which means they'll be seeing more of "me." It's kinda scary, like stepping out onto a stage totally naked...although who knows, that could be fun too. Equus, anyone?

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